The First Day of the year always goes by fast.

Posted in Christian Beliefs, Politics, Relationships, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 2, 2017 by coachsamoan

Today is Monday January 2, 2017. It means the start of 2017  is now going to start moving into motion.  The New Year is always a chance to start over and make changes in jobs, businesses, relationships in the pursuit of getting out of that stale old rut you may have been in for the last year, or two, or 3, perhaps 4 or even further back.  Whatever the case, you are the designer of what is going to happen or be made to happen by virtue of the decisions you make from the choices you select. The best thing that can be done this week is to think through your calendar and make some adjustments in accordance with your values, goals, and targets of where you see yourself at by a certain timeline or deadline. yet give yourself a little Grace because in your efforts to accomplish certain goals and objectives, Family, Friends, Business Partners, Relatives and people who are a part of your life are  going to be part of the equation. Honor your people first because there are dividends to making an investment and deposit in people that have a bottom line that will last and are far more significant than numbers of a check. Take time this week to think, pray, reflect, rest and prepare.

Safe Zones on College Campuses

Posted in Christian Beliefs, Politics, Relationships, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 1, 2015 by coachsamoan

A few years ago…Ted Koppel, then of ABC News Nightline did an address to the graduating class of Duke University called the Vanna-tizing of America. Just reading this article given all of the stuff taking place on the college campus has got my head scratching that Dennis Prager may be right. Before you send your student to college, have them spend a year working in a customer service job such as being a Waiter, or Waitress and getting some people skills, work ethic and acquiring some character development along the way, and then send them to Israel for two months to get a taste of what is happening in the real world beyond the four corners and borders of the city, or state they were born and raised.

These recent developments of college students requesting safe zones, and calling on resignations in Missouri of the President at the University of Missouri for whatever the reason behind the occupation take over of the President’s office is telling me that the Moral GPS or compass has taken a nose dive and crashed because students entering college have been coddled and protected to the point of wanting safe zones on campuses. Why? Because they have been verbally assaulted or harassed by having been called or labeled with a name or characterization of some type. The reality of this so called crisis is you can’t stand behind a protective shield, or plastic bubble, or have ear plugs in your ears forever.

College students, you have left home 100s or 1000s of miles a way to start a new life, and to develop your talents, gifts, skills, and abilities, and to blaze your own trail, and yet when something happen that mentally or verbally rocks your world, you cower and ask for safe zones. I’m sorry, but you are now 18 years old…an adult according to the American legal system to vote, possibly drink depending on the jurisdiction and to be responsible and use some Common Sense. You are on the Precipice of entering the real world where you are not going to have Safe Zones in the work place. There will be HR policies to abide by which ask you to respect other people and treat them the way you would want to be treated. If you don’t want to be harassed verbally, or otherwise, don’t do it yourself. In a work environment, do your job, work hard, treat your co-workers and peers with respect, and work your tail off to please your Employer, and your customers so you can continue to keep your job and come to work the next day to earn an income. Doing stupid things will get you fired and removed from being able to produce an income, and the end result will be having to hustle for bottles and cans and such. Hopefully it will never come to that, but when you don’t do what you are supposed to do, you will reap what you sow.

On the subject of colleges with safe zones and categories of exclusivity, you will need to adapt, improvise, and overcome. In the words of former OSU Basketball coach Ralph Miller, “I learned a long time ago that you can’t please everyone all of the time, so I don’t even try.” The University and the Academy has been in the past the marketplace of ideas, and the place where people learned to work together, and respect people’s opinions, persuasions, and convictions while also allowing for the Freedom of Speech, Press and Religion, there is a willingness in terms of the exchange of ideas. Those who are wanting safe zones because they can’t agree with or tolerate the opinions, persuasions, and convictions of others who are saying something in disagreement with their own worldview, opinions, persuasions’ and convictions are intolerant and non-inclusive from where they are standing.

To disagree, disallow or try to force compliance on to another whom you have the disagreement with is to place yourself in a cloistered, sheltered position where you don’t learn how to negotiate, exercise diplomacy, exchange dialogue, learn from one another, or discuss options and solutions. One will need how to come up with strategies to defeat roadblocks that could be allowed to open the flow of communication, and answers to resolve and diffuse a powder keg. Safe zones are a form of selfishness and inconsideration of considering viable options to begin resolutions and agreements. Instead there is a hunkering down, and choices to double down on a position or stance which create more problems, conflicts, unresolvable differences and potentially breakdowns, break ups, dissolving of partnerships and World War III.

Essentially, the allowance of Safe Zones on the college campus will do the opposite of what is supposed to happen in students’ lives going to college. Instead of developing into well rounded, self-respecting individuals who respect themselves, respect others and provide a sense of hope in our world and growth as a person, students will become more exclusive, self-absorbed, selfish, and become diminished in their development Mentally, Physically, Socially, Emotionally, Psychologically and Spiritually. Growth becomes stunted and inhibited resulting in a withering away of life resulting in a person becoming a non-life giving entity.

For Students to experience maximum growth and live giving potential, it is a Spiritual Experience. Once a student comes to a conclusion in terms of who they are in light of who the God of the Universe is through a relationship with Jesus Christ, the man or woman who has this encounter will not need Safe Zones to protect them from the darts, daggers, trials, tribulations and worries of this world. What is available via a relationship with Christ is the God of the Universe who is able to help provide guidance and the necessary means to help a student navigate his or her life. Is it Easy? No! Will there be Struggles, Worries and Fears? Yes! And yet that relationship with God is Strong, Stable, Foundational, and will provide Promises where a students’ his or her faith can know are true, Trustworthy, and fully Sufficient in the midst of whatever is going on. A student or person who knows Christ has a Safe Zone that is constant, always available, and always open anywhere on the Planet because God is an Everlasting Presence in times of trouble.

God provides His Word, His Son, a means of Faith that is unshakable, secure, and able to withstand Destructive forces. He is always there via the person of His Son, and the Power of His Holy Spirit. It is not only for students, but for anyone who wants to call upon the name of the Lord, that person will receive Eternal Life along with elements of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.

BenghaziGate could be Obamagate as Election draws near

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on November 2, 2012 by coachsamoan

4 Days left and our country has reached a situation where we are going to elect a new President of the United States. As both candidates have criss-crossed the country to campaign, there are a lot of question in connection with President Obama regarding Libya, or a brewing scandal (alleged) but no longer really alleged because of all the information that is coming out regarding the death of America’s Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans on September 11th.

It all began with the claim that a video criticizing the Prophet Mohammed was responsible for a spontaneous protest. However, the President of the United States has not come clean in responding to the plethera of questions of What did he know, and when did he know it regarding the deaths of the four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. Almost every couple of days, new facts are coming out that the President of the United States, the Secretary of State and other government officials stood by and watched a live feed of terrorists killing four Americans after at least three pleas for help to bring in armed forces in to protect and get the Americans out of harms way. The attack was not spontaneous because as Senator John McCain of Arizona said, “you don’t bring RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades) to a spontaneous protest.

This story, in the midst of Hurricane Sandy which has impacted the East Coast, has gone unreported by mainstream media which includes the New York Times, ABC, NBC, and CBS News. It’s been only in the last couple of days that some of the networks have covered the story, however slight in their reporting. Fox News along with Talk Radio, Blogs and other new media have been following the story since it happened nearly six weeks ago. There is going to be more coming out soon with regard to the President’s inability to lead and save lives, or his pure incompetence in failing to lead, and to launch a rescue effort to save lives of Americans under attack overseas.


Posted in Uncategorized on October 1, 2012 by coachsamoan

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56 Days Left – Romney and Ryan need to toughen up and attack

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on September 12, 2012 by coachsamoan

With 56 days left, the American electorate has a choice of choosing Freedom and Free Enterprise, or choose free stuff from the government and deal with sacrificing Freedom as we know it today. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and free stuff is going to ultimately cost the voters and taxpayers because someone is ultimately going to pay. The Romney Ryan ticket is going to have to toughen up over the next 56 days and take off the gloves if they want to win. Enough of the Howdy Doody/Ritchie Cunningham image and approach. If you (Romney/Ryan Campaign) want to win this game known as the Presidential election, it’s time to get in the trenches and do what you need to do to Win. Please toughen it up.

Right now, it is Romney Ryan’s to Win. The President of the United States who currently occupies the Oval Office in the White House is campaigning more the governing, playing more golf then leading, and displaying a degree of incompetence that became obvious to the American electorate as early as last year. OIIOHH Obama is in way over his head is now an understatement. The campaign he has been running has been completely negative and focused on issues that have had more of an intention to distract, demonize, and destroy. The behavior of this candidate who is currently the President of the United States is reprehensible.

Romney/Ryan needs to go on offense and call out the President on his record and its incompetence. The President has no record to run on which is the only reason for why President Obama has just gone negative with nothing to stand on because the record of performance is abysmal, Romney/Ryan should win. If the GOP loses, it was because they didn’t do everything possible to utilize every possible resource to win the election

What Price Freedom. Presidential re-election bid cause concern over national economy.

Posted in Uncategorized on March 30, 2012 by coachsamoan

It’s toward the end of the first quarter of the business year. The economy is showing slight signs of improvement, yet don’t let these slight improvements hood wink you in preparation for the general election.

The POTUS (President of the United States) Barack Obama is in election mode heading into the general election in November. Yet, Mr. Obama has been in election mode since January of 2009 since he was inaugurated, and it shows. The President has been in campaign mode and been on the road more than he has been in Washington doing his job.

Over the three years plus that the President has been in office, our country is going in a direction that most Americans believe is the wrong one. The national debt is currently somewhere between 15 and 17 trillion dollars. Unemployment is still high. Jobs for the regular American worker are slightly getting better, but most of the jobs are part time and not even minimum wage. The jobs that are in place are basically paying for the increases in gas prices not even providing Americans an opportunity to get ahead economically.

America is on the verge of bankruptcy with the ever increasing national debt and the President’s continual political games at the gas pump. Meanwhile, Mr. Obama is continuing to pound the bully pulpit of the Presidency in criticizing and berating oil companies more making profits in his efforts to promote a green agenda. The President’s cow towing to Environmentalists is the factor that has handcuffed him in enabling domestic drilling to take place off American shores and in oil fields in various states where oil is underneath the ground. Western states such as Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma and Wyoming are considering options to get federal lands within their states back under state jurisdiction.

The Obama Administration’s relationship with the state of Israel is another issue that is having an affect on our country. The United States and Israel have had solid and close diplomatic relations for many years under the administrations of several Presidents up until the election of President Obama. Allegations are out this morning that the Obama Administration has leaked secret intelligence information of Israel being able to use airspace over a neighboring country of Iran to execute air strikes over Iran’s nuclear facilities should that option end up coming into play. Relations between the Obama Administration and the state of Israel since Mr. Obama came into office can be categorized as “Frosty” under the best scenario.

One really has to wonder if the President is re elected, what direction is the country going to take. Many are fearing the President will get re elected in spite of the dismal record of on the job performance he has had since entering office. Business owners are just hanging on to their money for fear of what’s going to happen with the economy as it relates to Obama care, rising gas prices, rising costs of goods and services connected to rising gas prices, numerous ways that government regulations are going to strangle the ability for business owners to do business. The list goes on and on.

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is currently debating the constitutionality of Obama Care otherwise known as National Health Care. 26 states had filed lawsuits against the federal government regarding the constitutionality of mandatory health insurance requiring the purchase of health insurance by every American.

Meanwhile, a 2 billion dollar Federal construction project is underway building a data center facility in Utah without congressional approval. The National Security Agency would be the primary operators of the facility to monitor emails, phone calls, and a variety of other communication amongst Americans that are private. Stay tuned on what is happening with this story.

Economy, Jobs, Gas Prices, Iran, and Israel. Times are changing in 2012 leaving the potential of a one term presidency for Obama.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 22, 2012 by coachsamoan

March is just around the corner and 2012 is getting a little more precarious each day. As the Mainstream, lame stream media continues to lend its public relations support for President Obama, double standards and character smears continue on and against GOP candidates for president during the Republican primaries.

Meanwhile, the economy, jobs, rising gas prices and tensions in the Middle East in connection with Iran are making Americans nervous. Iran’s efforts and intentions to produce and acquire nuclear weapons have many around the world both nervous and concerned. The rogue power led by an Islamic regime and a President whose objective is to destroy America and the state of Israel are continuing in their efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, stall for time, and hide the facts they are building those weapons.

Gas prices are continuing to rise with predictions that they will reach $4,00 per gallon by Memorial Day raising the ire of Americans who are feeling the pinch of increased gas prices in the wallet during a time when dollars are a struggle to acquire. Jobs continue to be scarce in spite of the President claiming that job rates are improving. That may be the viewpoint of those who are living within the beltway of Washington DC, however for average Americans north, south, and west of DC, those in Washington are looking at the picture being propagated as rose colored, unrealistic and delusional. Higher prices at the pump are impacting Americans in their ability to put groceries in the pantry and less discretionary income.

Gas prices, the economy, unemployment rates and no jobs along with Iran’s quest to become a Nuclear power are creating a restlessness for change. Cries on Facebook spell out OMG (Obama must Go). Cries on talk radio are spelling OIIWOHH (Obama is in way over his head). The economy is now the responsibility of the President. He has been in office for 37 months. There is no longer any room for blaming the previous administration for the situation

Mr. Obama walked into with his administration. He shouldn’t have the job if he can’t take the heat. More blaming rather than action has been coming out of the Obama Administration creating the appearances of the United States of America being led by a weak, uninspiring, and angry individual holding the office of President of the United States. Donald J. Trump in many interviews has said the US is being laughed at and being taken advantage of because all the President does is apologize, appease and talk. The continuing mantra of the Obama administration is the need to sit down and negotiate which gets the response of snickers from world leaders who are realizing President Obama is not that tough.

On March 5th, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is coming to give an address in Washington DC and will meet with President Obama at the White House. The meeting is expected to be short, cordial, but most likely frigid. The President is expected to appeal to the Prime Minister not to take offensive action against Iran and their efforts to build a nuclear weapons arsenal. The Prime Minister is most likely to respond that the President will not like Israel’s response because the state of Israel is defending the right of its nation and people to exist because Iran’s soul objective to destroy the state of Israel and eliminate the Jewish people from existence. Times are changing fast and the threat of global action of some type both economically and militarily is expected to take place in some form or action.

99 percent vs. The One Percent

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 1, 2011 by coachsamoan

We are living in a changing world that is such where if people have a job, Great. Work that job to the best of your ability. However, if you want to move forward beyond just settling for what you’re just getting paid, you need to have a Plan B. Perhaps in the form of another stream of income! Or, Perhaps, multiple streams of income because just one income is not going to get it done in this day and age with high prices, inflation, and increases in gas and food. Those who fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Those who will criticize, renegade and tear down the one percent, and are waiting for government handouts need to wake up and smell the coffee.

At this point, the government is broke to the tune of 15 trillion dollars in debt. As Americans, we need to put that Yankee ingenuity to work and begin innovating. That is how success stories of businesses are written. That is why people who started from nothing are able to become amongst the 1-2 percent who are achieving the American Dream. It is available to everyone who is willing to put the hand to the plow and start the process of moving forward one step at a time.

We live in a country where Free Enterprise has been, and should be celebrated. This redistribution of wealth from the wealthy to the poor is for the birds because what right does one person have to another’s resources just because they want it, or just because they feel entitled to it. You come into this world with nothing, and you will leave this world with nothing because when you die, you can’t take your home or Mercedes with you. God has a different idea on earthly material goods coming into Heaven. The economy in Heaven is about things of the heart.

However, you are afforded the opportunity to work hard, get an education, and other opportunities to take risks and see what can come about from being willing to fail. It is through the process of failing, that one can learn lessons of how to improve, how to get better, and how to WIN. Americans love a Winner. That’s why during sports seasons, teams who win championships are celebrated because they were willing to work hard, put everything on the line in terms of blood, sweat, teams, time, effort and sacrifice for a cause and a passion worth being pursued.

It is interesting that when most immigrants who come to the United States from other countries don’t apply for jobs. They start businesses, and that is why they become successful small business owners and Entrepreneurs. They have simply looked for a need in the economy and utilized their skills and their background to launch a business from modest means to where the business becomes well established in its respective community.

The Business owner has also become a key contributor to the economy in the realm of providing jobs for the people they hire, and they are also able to give to causes, ministries, and charities they believe in that provide a positive impact in the society and culture of the community.

Those who are amongst the 99 percent, or amongst the Occupy movement have shown the true colors of who they are at the core. The colors are dark and self-absorbed. The core is comprised of a hole that in the soul of the individual. It is a hole in the soul that is hollow, void, dark, narcissistic, and lifeless. It is a sad commentary because the Occupy movement while trying to do good began its descent into its abyss by disrupting the flow of activity in many cities across the country. Through several long weeks of protests, traffic was disrupted, intersections were blocked, public parks were abused becoming wastelands of refuse leaving a mess for taxpayers to clean up in having to replant the ground upon which the occupiers occupied for up to two months in some cities. Their activities also cost taxpayers in the millions of overtime paid out to law enforcement who had to deal with the behavior of occupiers towards police. The Occupiers also created more problems with the amount of crime, drugs, trash, assaults and rapes that took place in various cities.

The occupy movement lost traction in its message when it failed to establish a semblance of order. Instead, fringe movements, anarchists, and other rogue elements were allowed to infiltrate Occupy rendering its message ineffective amongst the masses. The intentions were good, but when intentions started to result in other sordid activities of ill repute and disrespect to the working taxpayers who had to navigate their way through interruptions of people trying to do what is needed to survive in a culture where the economy is unstable and jobs being at a premium. If you have a job, you are considered to be among the fortunate few. Yet, navigating a jungle of disruptions from those who really failed to deliver a concrete message had to have been frustrating for regular folks trying to make a living.

The primary problem plaguing our country is a lack of leadership from Washington. Congress has a 9 percent approval rate and President Obama’s approval rate has dropped below that of President Carter at this time during the term of service in serving as President. It is this lack of leadership which has managed to rally both the Tea Party and the Occupy movement in agreement on one issue. The issue – Washington is broken and not listening.

Both movements have galvanized from a sense of dissatisfaction with Government that is not doing its job for the people and taxpayers that placed these Senators and Congressmen and Congresswomen into office. The people spoke in 2010, and in 2012, the voice of the people will be heard again.

Americans are crying for President Obama and those who are in the Senate and Congress to lead. Unless leadership in Washington is fixed, this nation will be rendered ineffective in how it is perceived by its citizens and the nations’ of the world who are watching to see if America is going to make the changes it needs within its own borders.

Soul of State College and Penn State football damaged by allegations of sexual abuse of children by former Penn State Assistant

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 13, 2011 by coachsamoan

It has been a week since the scandalous, salacious details were reveled about the sex scandal at Penn State University. Last weekend, longtime Assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was arrested on child abuse charges connected with the rape of a 10 year old boy in the stadium locker room showers of the Penn State Nittany Lions football program. Sandusky, a one time Defensive Coordinator, and long time assistant coach to the legendary Joe Paterno is alleged to have been a long time predator and child abuser.

Authorities have charged the former assistant who still had an office with the football program and university campus privileges with 40 counts of child abuse involving boys who were part of a foundation called Second Mile of which Sandusky was the former director.

The arrest of Sandusky last week has caused the foundations of Penn State University to Shake, Rattle and Quiver at its very core. Athletic Director Tim Curley and a Senior Vice President of the University were the initial people to lose their jobs due to a failure to notify authorities once they were notified of these allegations.

Thursday evening, Head Coach Joe Paterno, and University President Graham Spanier were fired for their part in failing to do the right thing of notifying authorities. Both did just enough to make the proper notifications through the channels of authority resulting in a story that had been covered up until a Grand Jury heard testimony from Paterno, and an Assistant coach named Mike McQueary who testified to the allegations of the sex abuse charges Sandusky is facing.

Meanwhile, an internal investigation is taking place under the direction of Rodney Erickson the new university president appointed to replace Spanier. In a news conference Friday, Erickson said that Kenneth Frazier, chief executive of Merck & Co. and a board of trustees member, would lead an investigation of the case.

The arrest of Sandusky and the firing of several university officials including Head Football coach Joe Paterno are yielding consequences to the university in a variety of ways causing organizations and institutions Penn State is connected with to move forward in looking into matters affecting Penn State.

The U.S. Department of Education said this week that it would investigate whether federal laws were broken. Moody’s Investors Service put Penn State’s Aa1 rating of about $1 billion in bonds on review.

Sandusky, 67, was released on $100,000 unsecured bail on Nov. 5 after appearing on charges involving sexual abuse of children when he ran The Second Mile, a charitable organization for young people. The charges involve sexual assaults or advances on eight boys from 1994 to 2009, according to Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly.

A lack of institutional oversight and control were what led to Athletic Director Timothy Curley, 57, and Gary Schultz, 62, a senior vice president who oversaw the University Police. Both men were arraigned on charges of perjury and failing to report the allegations. The school announced on Nov. 7 that Schultz would step down and return to retirement, while Curley would be placed on administrative leave to focus on his defense.

The Sandusky arrest and the downfall of those in power at Penn State stem from an alleged attack back in 2002. The grand jury investigating this matter says in its report that Mike McQueary, then a graduate student and now an assistant coach, witnessed Sandusky in a shower at the university’s football building sexually assaulting a boy, estimated to be around 10 years old. The report says McQueary told Paterno about what he saw — it (the report) doesn’t specify how much detail he provided.

After meeting with McQueary, Schultz and Curley reported to Spanier, 63, who banned Sandusky from bringing children from his charity in the university’s football building, according to the report. Spanier told the grand jury he was unaware that the incident was sexual in nature.

“It does appear that certainly some individuals were afraid to make known what they had seen,” Erickson said yesterday. “Never again should anyone at Penn State, regardless of their position, be scared to do the right thing.”

The game between Penn State and Nebraska was the first football game in 46 years where the Head football coach was not Joe Paterno. Assistant coach Mike McQueary was not at the game against Nebraska and was placed on Administrative leave due to threats being made against his life. There are also reports that McQueary has been placed under protective custody as a result of the events leading up to what was suppose to be Paterno’s final game.

Paterno had announced he would retire at the end of the season earlier in the week before the Board of Trustees moved quickly Thursday night to announce that Paterno would no longer be the Head football coach.

What’s the bottom line? The right thing should have been done. Paterno, while a legend in college football, and who managed to amass the highest number of wins over 46 years of coaching, needed to Go. It wasn’t a matter of age even though many connected with Penn State were inferring covertly or overtly that Paterno was too old.

Paterno’s firing was primarily because he did not do the right thing in a matter that required some swift attention and execution. Upon hearing of these allegations from his graduate assistant coach who allegedly saw what he saw, Paterno should have called the police and had Sandusky arrested in spite of the long time working relationship he had with Sandusky.

The Sandusky sex/child abuse scandal has impacted Penn State, a legendary football coach, and others in the impact of these individuals losing their jobs. Yet, Sandusky was just the catalyst that tipped the tea pot towards boiling over. It was a failure in officials of the university to do the right thing and go beyond just the standard operating procedure of reporting the incident in question to your superior so it can be passed up the chain of command.

These officials who had authority and power to do the right thing on behalf of the University didn’t use the powers vested in them to do the right thing to ensure justice was rendered rightly and in a timely manner on behalf of a 10-year old boy. Instead, justice was delayed because officials took standard reporting procedures and procrastinated in ensuring these allegations were brought to light swiftly. There was a sense of cover up to protect individuals, programs and institutions from the blemish of scandal.

The arrest is just the tip of the iceberg. There are likely to be more details to come. The previous statement is unsubstantiated. Yet, the allegations of the this scandal are so far reaching to the point that Pennsylvania taxpayers are going to be paying for the misdeeds of a few for a long tie to come. Meanwhile, those who have held Paterno, and the Penn State football program in such high regard will need to realize that men and institutions are fallible. When you put and individual, or an institution on a pedestal, it will eventually fail because of imperfection being an element that is built in from the ground up.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. In sports, power is attained through the accomplishment of winning. Winning games means becoming national champions. Championships result in greater recognition and a higher demand. Marketing and the brand name of the team yield increases for the program, the institutions, and key members of that team. It means more money for the program, the university, the team, the coaches. It also opens up more opportunities for national notoriety in recruiting. Highly recruited players are seeking out your program and university to be a part of the winning tradition now being established. In short, winning and success has created a machine and a monster through the acquisition of power resulting from the tradition of winning records.

A sense of invincibility and insensitivity is bred and created where officials and authorities pay more attention to the big fish, the big donors, and other people of influence who can help maintain the machine and the monster of a winning tradition. Here is the cycle.

Money results in wins. Wins result in in championships. Championships result in national prestige. Prestige attracts consistent five star recruiting classes. Recruiting classes are reloaded with quality recruits which result in wins. The Wins result in more wins and more money. Each year the process starts over and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger.

The machine and the monster get bigger and bigger to the point where priorities and values take a shift in direction. What has happened in the case of Penn State is a failure to act with humanity and decency in the assurance of the justice system being notified quickly. This failure resulted in the inability for the Justice system to act swiftly and quickly to adjudicate an alleged sexual predator of children because the program and the institution, or the monster, the machine and the men who run it went into protection mode.

Football is a game with a ball and twenty two players. In elementary, middle, and high school, it was still for fun. It was also an opportunity for kids to learn skills for the purpose of competition, and to learn how to build friendship, and to work together as a team with buddies you went to school with. As it heads towards college and higher, it has become a business and a monster with its face having the dollar sign featured in its entirety.

There is nothing wrong with business and athletics yet that is another topic to write on come another day. However when good men fail to do good for those who can’t defend themselves for whatever reason, it’s time to take a deep look inside the inner core of the soul and do some soul searching. Perhaps, one day that soul can be found, redeemed, and recovered for noble purpose that will positively impact the lives of many.

There is still time. Penn State has the opportunity to begin taking the first step of recovery. It needs to have the right people in place who will choose to do What is right in spite of theoretical criticisms and costs.

Obama Administration out of options while Occupy Movements overrun and overreach their welcome.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on November 4, 2011 by coachsamoan

It has been several weeks since a blog has been posted in an effort to try and be positive about the direction our country is headed under the leadership of POTUS, The President of the United States.

However, it seems during this hiatus from writing, nothing has changed. Things have gotten only slightly better, but not enough to make an impact or a difference in people’s lives. The unemployment rate is still at 9.1 percent, the economy has slowed to almost a grinding halt and protests are going on across the nation under the Occupy category. It started with Wall Street almost two months ago and Occupy protests have sprouted up in other cities across the nation.

The Occupy movement is the outcome of a country that has lost its moral and spiritual compass. At this time, we have an occupant in chief who lives in the White House that has been in campaign mode for weeks taking a series of three day trips across the nation to push a jobs bill that is more of a tax and spend boondoggle. The rhetoric is still the same in drumming up the base to call on congress to pass this jobs bill. It’s the only thing the President has left in a quiver of non–existent arrows.

Since taking office, spending by the Obama Administration has skyrocketed into the trillions. There has been a failed effort by Democrats when they were in the majority in the House, the Senate and the Presidency to produce a budget, a budgeting hiatus that has gone on for over 900 days. The stimulus failed in its attempt to produce jobs. More regulations have been added to the law which has handcuffed business owners from being able to be effective in producing jobs.

The Government has been making monumental efforts to try and take over industry after industry by issuing more bailouts and spending more taxpayer dollars. The people of this nation are seeing that it is better for the private sector to be allowed to work and be the producer of jobs in order to put people back to work and create profits and expendable income for Americans who want to work, achieve wealth, and establish a sense of success and satisfaction of work well done with the financial fruits of their labor to prove it.

Instead, the government under the Obama Administration are continuing efforts to spend the country into an economic sinkhole where hard earned taxpayer money is being poured into a bottomless pit and thrown away into non-productive efforts with no positive results. Jobs are being lost week by week as the unemployment numbers go up. Americans are experiencing a sense of angst.

Angst and a lack of purpose are the just some of what those who are trying to Occupy are doing. When you ask those who are protesting why they are doing what they are doing, there is no clear answer or message. As for who is leading the effort, it really isn’t clear. There is a leadership void in the midst of what’s going on resulting in criminal, homeless, and other negative elements being allowed to infiltrate the muddled masses that are wearing out their welcome. Numerous cities beginning in New York felt it would be good to open the doors and the parks of downtowns and areas such as Wall Street. What city officials are finding is that the elements of people who have come to Occupy are taking up space, creating havoc, allowing chaos and purposeless to take hold of business areas and neighborhoods where those who work and live are fed up.

Occupiers thought their efforts were good to raise an awareness of the 99 percent, Yet the 99 percent have overstayed their welcome in the cities they are occupying while also incurring a public relations problem amongst Americans who are watching what is going on. Those watching and observing the Occupants of the Occupy movement are feeling like a sense of order needs to be returned to the nation, and these people who occupy need to return back to where they came from .

A year from now, Americans will be able to cast their votes and voice their pleasure or displeasure of what has been happening to their country over the last four years. Between now and then, it will be interesting to watch and see what direction the country will ultimately take.